Visit from Australia

9. 10. 2023

On Monday 2.10 we had a special visit from far away Australia! David MacKenzie came to Planeta to bring a present, which took about 3 years to be delivered at our school. In 2020 children of Planeta had written a letter to Australia, to express their concern and support to the Australian people, who were experiencing bad bushfires at that time.

David was really moved by this gesture, and wanted to send a present to the children. But because of Covid, there were no flights between Australia and Europe, so the package came back to David.  Now, in 2023, David decided to bring the package to school personally. The children asked him many questions and it was great to see how everyone enjoyed this surprise visit. After the meeting, children of Venus and Jupiter had the opportunity to talk to David for a longer time, and they asked him about a lot of things: The best food in Australia, the animals, the highest mountain etc. David promised them to come back next year, and he will prepare a presentation about Australia for the children.

Před třemi lety sužovaly Austrálii rozsáhlé požáry. Děti z Planety chtěly pomoci a uspořádat sbírku. Na tu nakonec nedošlo. O jejich dopisu, který byl adresovaný panu primátorovi, se dozvěděl Australan David, který pobýval ve FM. Nápad a hlavně zaujetí dětí a jejich aktivní snaha o pomoc se mu zalíbily. Jako poděkování poslal David z Austrálie dětem do Planety balík, který ovšem nedorazil. A tak s ním letos v říjnu přiletěl osobně. Děti tak měly možnost procvičit si angličtinu, dozvědět se hodně zajímavého ze života na jižní polokouli.